By Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum
A recent book and an article in Country Yossie all about
autistic kids speaking their minds and giving all sorts of interesting advice
and opinions got me all excited. Was it real? Could such kids actually see hidden things and communicate
them to us with a discovery called “Facillated Communication,” or FC for short,
or was it all just a fake and sleight of hand? I hoped and wanted to believe it
was really true, so I decided to do some research on the subject and share it
with the readers of CY.
As always, one of the reasons that CY is so popular is that
it is not afraid of controversy . It publishes articles and opinions that no
other publication would dare accept. Readers must be warned to be very careful
and never accept anyone’s opinion, including mine, until they check it out for
themselves. Just remember, “A fool believes all”. Always be open-minded and try
to do as much research on the subject as possible before drawing any
conclusions. Make sure to read both sides carefully and don’t believe anyone,
even if his name is Einstein. Many great people have made mistakes, and those
who believe they are infallible are simply not looking into the mirror.
Not all mistakes are bad. Just look at
what happened when Columbus made a
mistake. He discovered America!
How FC works.
FC is a very interesting phenomenon to observe. Individuals of severely low function, such as autistic children, are assisted in
spelling words by specially trained teachers or parents who are called “facilitators.” They provide
the physical support the child needs in order to point to the letters on a
printed display or a keyboard. The facilitator holds their hand, wrist or
forearm, as the child points to the letters in front of him. A child who does
not appear to know the difference between a cat or an elephant can seemingly
identify them correctly by picking out the correct letters. When one watches
it, it looks quite impressive and convincing. The things the child conveys can
really blow your mind. Can it really be that these children are very perceptive
and reveal lots of secrets, if only they are given the opportunity? Some say
yes, while others cry foul!
Who discovered it?
It all began in the 1970’s with a women named Rosemary
Crossley, a teacher in an institution in Melbourne, Australia. She became
convinced that when she held the hands of her students who had severe cerebral palsy, they could communicate
their inner thoughts to her. She called her technique Facilitated
Communication, and began to teach it to others. It soon caught on, but also
started a great controversy in the scientific world that goes on until today.
Some say that it is impossible and it is really the facilitator who is
subconsciously moving the child’s hand,
while others firmly believe that the child is moving his hand all on his
own. Over the years, many scientific studies have been made, with most of them
disproving FC.
How can one prove or disprove it?
The best way to prove or disprove it is to have the
facilitator ask the child a question for which the facilitator does not know the answer, and see if the
child will get it right. Let’s assume that the facilitator does not know the
names of the child’s brothers or sisters or other such information. Will the child get the answer right even
though the facilitator does not know the answer? If the child can answer the
question even in cases where the facilitator does not know the answer, then
facilitating must be real. All experiments have so far shown that when the
facilitator did not know the answer, neither did the child!
Another very clever experiment that has been tried was to
put the facilitator right next to the child but block the facilitator from
seeing the picture that is being shown to the child and in fact show the
facilitator a different picture than the child is seeing. If the child will
spell out the words that he sees, and not what the facilitator sees, then it
will be proven that it is he that is really communicating his own thoughts and
not that of the facilitator. All experiments have found that the child would
never read the picture he sees but always described what the facilitator was
being shown. Should that then end the controversy? For some, the answer is a
resounding Yes, but for others who are completely mesmerized by it, as they are
with flying saucers and Uri Geller, the
controversy will continue on.
What do I believe? Well, let me tell you about this person
who was abducted by aliens from a foreign planet and......!
P.S. It should be noted that FC raises false hopes for many
families and its promotion diverts efforts and fund-raising from more plausible
long-term strategies that have empirical support. It also scams people out of
their hard earned money which they could be using for more important needs. The
truth must be told no matter how much it may
RE: FC Facilitated Communication:
Rabbi Teitelbaum
for the excellent and enlightening article on FC (Facilitating Communication).
I too have read the scientific studies that claim that it is really the
facilitator that is sub-consciously causing the autistic child to point to
certain letters. Yet I am somewhat puzzled since I have tested one particular
autistic child and he was able to get the answers right even when the
facilitator did not know the answers to the questions. Others I tested were not
able to so this. How do you explain this apparent contradiction? There are some
that use facilitation to find out the future. Is this permitted? Also, could
you explain what gilgul neshamos is all about and why these children
must suffer so?
Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum
Since I’ve received many
questions regarding F.C. I’d like to say the following. The subject of
facilitation is a very controversial one and is dealt with in great length by
many experts far more competent then I am on this subject. In my article that
appeared in CY before the summer I wrote that the way to determine if FC is
valid or not is to see if the autistic child is able to answer the question
correctly even when the facilitator does not know the question the child is
being asked or does not know the answer to that question. My article was based
on the scientific papers that claimed to have tested these children and they
were unable to answer the questions correctly when the facilitators did not
themselves know the answers or the questions. However, most recently, a few
people who have worked with these children have claimed that they have tried
these same experiments and have gotten different results. They claim that the
children were able to get the correct answers even in cases where the
facilitator had no idea what the questions where nor did the facilitator know
any of the answers. If this information were correct, then it would certainly
shed new light on the subject.
Since I have not personally tested any of these children and
have relied on scientific studies that I have read, this new information should
certainly leave the door open for competent unbiased research to be made. If
competent experts in the field get the same results, then this will surely
prove the case in favor of FC and I will surely be the first one to bring these
results to the public’s attention since I certainly have no personal bias one
way or the other. My aim is to get at the truth and let the chips fall where
they may.
I have also spoken to some gedolim that felt that there
may be some truth to FC but they warn against using it to ask these children to
predict future events as some are now doing.
As far as gilgulim are
concerned and where these holy neshomos come from I’ll leave these
topics for those who are as great as the Ari z.t.l.. I just know that every neshamah
comes from the highest of sources and is a “chelek elokai mi’mal” no
matter in what kind of body it was placed. Why some neshamos come down
to this world in such a manner we’ll have to wait for Eliyahu ha’novi to
explain. May he come soon in our days.
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